Restore Your Old Concrete Patio In 3 Simple And Cost-Effective Steps


If you have an old concrete patio that has seen better days, then you may think that removing and replacing it is your only option. However, removing concrete is an arduous and time-consuming task, and replacing it may mean that you'll need to spend a lot more than your budget will allow. Instead of removing and replacing it, you can opt to repair and restore it instead. Even the most dilapidated concrete patio can be given a new lease of life with these three simple and cost-effective steps.

Step 1. Repair cracks

Older concrete is often seen as unusable because of the extensive cracks that occur in the structure of the concrete over time. These cracks may be small or quite large, and they happen due to exposure to moisture and the ravages of time and heat variations.

Concrete repairs can be easily and effectively handled by an experienced concrete contractor. They will inject a liquid into the cracks that is made up of an epoxy-based resin. As the resin sets, it fills in the cracks and binds the concrete back together into a strong and cohesive surface.

Step 2. Resurface the concrete

Another common issue with old concrete patios is an uneven and pocked surface. This is generally caused by years of wear and tear that erodes and dents the top layers of concrete. Old concrete is often stained as well after exposure to liquids, food spills and household and garden chemicals.

To restore a concrete patio that has an uneven and unmarked surface, your concrete contractor can use a specialised grinding machine to take off the top layer of concrete. They will generally follow this up with a sanding using a fine grade grinding disc that will make the surface smooth and attractive once more.

Step 3. Seal the concrete

After repairing and resurfacing the concrete, your concrete contractor will coat it with a sealant material. This is important to ensure that your new-look concrete patio has a non-porous and stain resistant finish that will extend its lifespan and keep it looking great for many years. Generally, the contractor will use an epoxy-based coating which is strong and highly durable.

The sealing process also allows you to get creative with the aesthetics of your new-look concrete patio. You can opt for colourants to be added to the sealant to give your patio a bright and modern look. You can even opt for a sealant that replicates the look of natural stone varieties such as granite, sandstone or marble for an elegant, timeless and expensive-looking finish.


1 November 2017

How I Constructed My New Home

Hello and welcome to my construction blog. My name is David and I would like to tell you about the process of designing and building a new home from the ground up. I had always dreamed of building my own home and last year, that dream became a reality. I had been saving money for many years so I could afford to buy the materials and employ the contractors needed to construct my home. I learnt so much during the process, I decided to start this blog. It was a wonderful day when the final piece of my home was put into place and I am now very happy.