The Process of Asbestos Floor Tile Removal: A Guide

Construction & Contractors Blog

Builders once commonly used asbestos floor tiles in Australian homes and commercial properties. However, with the discovery of the health risks associated with asbestos exposure, removing asbestos-containing materials, such as floor tiles, has become a crucial part of maintaining a safe and healthy environment. In this blog post, take a closer look at the process of asbestos floor tile removal.

Step 1: Site Assessment

Before any work begins, a thorough site assessment must be carried out by a contractor. The contractor will take samples for analysis in an accredited laboratory.

Step 2: Planning and Preparation

Once it has been confirmed that asbestos-containing floor tiles are present, a licensed asbestos removalist will develop a detailed plan for the safe removal of the tiles. This plan will include a risk assessment, a work method statement, and the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers.

The area will be isolated from the rest of the building, and warning signs will be posted to alert people of the asbestos removal activities.

Step 3: Removal of Asbestos Floor Tiles

The removal of asbestos floor tiles is a delicate process that a licensed and experienced asbestos removalist must carry out. First, the tiles are carefully removed and placed in special bags for disposal at an approved waste facility.

During the removal process, the area is kept wet to minimise the release of asbestos fibres into the air. Negative air pressure units are used to prevent any airborne asbestos fibres from escaping into other parts of the building.

Step 4: Clean Up and Decontamination

After removing the tiles, the area is thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated. The removalist will use specialised equipment such as HEPA vacuums to clean surfaces, walls and floors. The area will be visually inspected, and air monitoring will be conducted to ensure that the area is free of asbestos fibres.

Step 5: Disposal of Asbestos Waste

All asbestos waste is disposed of at an approved waste facility in accordance with the regulations. The waste is transported in sealed and labelled bags and containers, ensuring that there is no risk of asbestos fibres escaping during transportation.


Asbestos floor tile removal is a complex and delicate process that licensed and experienced professionals must carry out. The safety of workers, occupants, and the general public is paramount throughout the process. By following strict procedures, using appropriate PPE and equipment, and adhering to regulations, asbestos removalists ensure that asbestos-containing materials are safely removed and disposed of, minimising the risk of exposure to asbestos fibres.

For more information, contact a local company, like Lightning Asbestos and Demolition Services.


5 May 2023

How I Constructed My New Home

Hello and welcome to my construction blog. My name is David and I would like to tell you about the process of designing and building a new home from the ground up. I had always dreamed of building my own home and last year, that dream became a reality. I had been saving money for many years so I could afford to buy the materials and employ the contractors needed to construct my home. I learnt so much during the process, I decided to start this blog. It was a wonderful day when the final piece of my home was put into place and I am now very happy.